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Kelly McQueen

Opti-Vise IT


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Opti-Vise IT
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Opti-Vise IT
Company Logo
Company Type
IT Product/Service Provider
Company Description
Opti-Vise IT provides highly responsive computer support and network management services to small and medium business organizations in Dayton, OH. We have served the local business community for over 10 years with a client retention rate of 99.9%. Currently serving more than 65 organizations, we help our clients achieve their business goals with Smart Fit technology. Whether your technology challenges are big or small, we have a solution tailored to your business and your budget.

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Our Cornerstone Partners share a common goal: to connect, strengthen, and champion the technology community in our region. A Technology First Partner is an elite member leading the support, development, and expansion of Technology First services. In return, Partners improve community visibility and increase their revenue. Make a difference in our region and your business. 

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Cornerstone Partners

1435 Cincinnati St, Ste 300, Dayton Ohio 45417

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