By: Cassie Barlow, President, SOCHE
The times are changing in the world of talent attraction and management…..has anyone noticed? Who hasn’t seen a help wanted sign in the last few weeks? We have all noticed the changes and we are also all trying to figure out how we can recraft our workforce strategy in response.
The experts in the field of talent, workforce and organizational development are all trying to understand the needs of employers and employees while examining best practices in order to offer the best ways to engage and retain talent. Here are a few thoughts on what is trending in the field and some tips that may help your company find the workforce that you need and keep them engaged and on the job for many years.
If you are one of the companies who have lost great talent over the last 18 months, join the club. The loss of this talent along with the dearth of new talent in the marketplace has led many employers to take a very close look at their workforce strategy, organizational design, structure, salaries, benefits, and job descriptions. Now is the time to examine your internal talent, organizational structure and design and figure out what are the most important tasks that need to be accomplished and the best way to group these tasks into job descriptions. This is also a great time to examine the diversity of your current team and develop some intentional steps to attract and recruit a more diverse group of employees. The research on team performance has indicated repeatedly that team effectiveness, innovation and efficiency improve with diverse teams. There may be opportunities in your company to upskill current employees, to combine job descriptions, to rescope job descriptions, to staff positions with employees at a different level and to look at outsourcing. This is an important first step before trying to operate in the same way that you did a few years ago.
Attracting and hiring new employees is just one part of the talent equation. The trends in employee engagement and retention are also a different landscape from previous years. Professional development is a critical focus area for many employers and an expectation from employees. From internal company transfers and upskilling to paying for degrees and certifications to microlearning, your future employees are looking for ways to continue their development in their new company. Professional development is a wonderful way to engage your employees. Another way to engage your employees is through regular team building and community service. A team becomes their best when they know each other, and both of these activities can boost your team performance as well as build your company culture.
Now let’s switch our focus to keeping our employees on the team! Employees want a sense of purpose at work. They want to truly understand the value and the meaning of your company's mission and vision. They also want to know exactly where they fit into your strategy. Meaningful work and a sense of purpose will encourage employees to stay with you. In addition, employees want to know that they are being paid a competitive wage and benefits.
Take the time to conduct company climate surveys, to listen to your employees and to take action to address concerns. Your employees need to know that you care about them and that you are doing your best to provide them with the tools they need to accomplish their job, while looking out for their best interests.
Remember that we are all in these challenging times together. As a leader in your organization, take time to connect via professional organizations and learn from each other.