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TechCred Applications Open from Jan. 3rd-31st!

01/03/2022 1:18 PM | Deleted user

Upskill your workforce with TechCred.

No matter what industry you work in, technology is having an impact on the future of your business and the nature of your work. TechCred helps Ohioans learn new skills and helps employers build a stronger workforce with the skills needed in a tech-infused economy. Many of these trainings can be completed online!

The TechCred application opens on January 3, 2022 and will close on January 31, 2022 at 3:00 p.m.

Businesses applying for TechCred are required to list their Supplier ID Number on the TechCred application. To register as a new supplier or update an existing account with the State of Ohio, visit and follow the prompts until completed. Once this information has been approved, you will receive a ten-digit State of Ohio Supplier ID number.

Beginning with Round 12 (January 2022), the following changes have been incorporated into the TechCred program:

  • Training for approved credentials must start on or after the Effective Date of the Grant Agreement and must be completed by the End Date of the Grant Agreement. The Effective Date of the Grant Agreement will be the first day of the month immediately following the last application period. Costs incurred by the Applicant prior to an award of eligibility and an executed Grant Agreement is done at the Applicant's risk.
  • TechCed Grant Agreements will be incorporated as part of the TechCred application. Upon receiving an award announcement, awardees will be directed to log into their application to provide an electronic signature certifying and acknowledging the Grant Agreement, Terms and Conditions, and the Program Guidelines.

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Our Cornerstone Partners share a common goal: to connect, strengthen, and champion the technology community in our region. A Technology First Partner is an elite member leading the support, development, and expansion of Technology First services. In return, Partners improve community visibility and increase their revenue. Make a difference in our region and your business. 

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1435 Cincinnati St, Ste 300, Dayton Ohio 45417

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