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Host a Senior Capstone Project from UD!

07/21/2021 2:01 PM | Deleted user

The University of Dayton Department of MIS and Operations Management is now accepting Company Project Proposals for their MIS and OPS Senior Capstone Projects. 

These year-long projects (2021-2022 school year) allow students to learn by applying the theories they learn in the classroom to real world projects

Firms benefit by having a fresh set of eyes and ears focused to carry out proposed improvements.  In these projects, both assigned faculty and sponsor management guide the assigned student teams.

There is no cost to companies sponsoring projects.

Submitted project proposals should be submitted by August 16th.

UD MIS/OPS 2021-2022 Senior Capstone Project Proposal

Any questions can be directed to : Stephen Hall, Director, Center for Project Excellence,

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